Get Proper Shifting Aids by Medivic Air Ambulance in Ahmedabad
: Services / Health & Beauty : Ahmedabad
Ad Details
Ad ID: 5868
Added: May 11, 2022
Sale Price: ₹400000
Location: India
State: Gujarat
City: Ahmedabad
Views: 223
Would you like to obtain the most responsible Air Ambulance from Ahmedabad to shift your suffering patient with a skilled MD doctor and expert medical squad for proper medical support? If Yes! Then contact Medivic Aviation immediately and hire a world-class air ambulance service at an affordable fare.
We are 24/7 hours available the charter Air Ambulance Service in Ahmedabad with state-of-the-art ICU setup charter aircraft and commercial flights for secure patient transportation assistance from one bedside to another bedside within a particular time.
!!! For More Information Contact Us!!!
Medivic Aviation Air Ambulance Service
Mobile: +91-9560123309, +91-9264470192
EMAIL: info@medivicaviation.com
Website: https://www.medivicaviation.com/air-ambulance-service-ahmedabad/